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Pizhichil: The ultimate ayurvedic experience

Pizhichil, a distinctive Ayurvedic therapy, commences with the application of therapeutic oils to the patient’s head and body. Warm oil cascades onto the head, secured by a forehead-protecting towel. Sesame oil, ghee, and various herbal oil blends find application in Pizhichil, each chosen based on the individual’s medical requirements.
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Ayurveda: The ancient science of holistic health

Ayurveda, the time-honored Indian medical system, centers on a natural and holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. It’s one of the oldest medical traditions still in practice, blending natural remedies from plants, animals, metals, and minerals with dietary regulations, physical activity, and a balanced lifestyle. The term “Ayurveda” stems from Sanskrit, with “ayus” meaning “life” and “veda” meaning “science.” Translated as “the science of life,” Ayurveda prioritizes sustaining a healthy lifestyle, distinguishing it from other medical systems. At its core, Ayurveda customizes healing to the individual.