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Ayu Care Nimbarkam -Optimize Your Immune System: Powerful Immunity Booster Against Viral Threats


Neem is the most powerful anti-viral medicine practiced in India in the history of all epidemics. In cholera/plague, malaria, measles, small pox, chickenpox, flues etc. Neem is used as preventive and curative drug.

Arka is the most powerful form of Ayurvedic medicine in which the real active ingredient of medicine is collected as distillate. Nimbarka is indicated for jwara (fever) with kasa (cough & breath difficulties), srama (tiredness) along with krimi (attack of microbes).

It is noted that Neem is heated more its anti-microbe activity will decrease, hence kwatha (decoction), Arishta, extracts, tablets & capsules won’t give much result in anti-microbe action. Hence Arka is the most potent form in which direct medicinal vapors are condensed, so anti-viral potency is more in the form.


Optimize Your Immune System: Introducing Ayu Care Nimbarkam,  Your Shield Against Viral Threats . Powerful Defense Against Viral Threats. Ayu Care Nimbarkam is the best immunity booster available in the market for people who are affected by the viral diseases . Nimbarkam is an anticipative ayurvedic immunity booster to prevent the viral infections. In Covid times we require specific immunity rather than general immunity for attack of viruses through preventive medicines. Nimbarka is the best choice of drug for this purpose.







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